Evaluation of Antibacterial

Evaluation of Antibacterial

Evaluation of Antibacterial

Antimirobial effects of paints and varnishes used in children's rooms, food preparation areas, laboratories and hospitals are important issues. The existence of microorganisms in the areas we are in is a known fact. Walls, floors, surfaces of different products used can become areas where microorganisms can reproduce with the effects of humidity and temperature of the environment.

Bactericidal, fungicidal and mayacidal activities are evaluated in the evaluation of antimicrobial activity in paints and varnishes. Antimicrobial activity gains importance and is tested especially on paints and varnishes used in public, personal and medical fields.


B"Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity and Efficiency in Paints and Varnishes" processes are carried out in biocidal products.

Antimicrobial properties have become important in products such as food packaging, garbage buckets, spoon holders and cutting boards produced from plastic, metal and ceramic materials. Antimicrobial property is more important for products used in food production areas. Antimicrobial products will be more useful in providing hygiene in areas where there is continuous production and regular cleaning is required.

Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739) bacteria species are used in the evaluation of antimicrobial activity in products produced from plastic, metal and ceramic materials.


"Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity and Efficiency in Plastics, Metals, Ceramics and Intermediates" procedures are carried out in biocidal products.

On non-sterile products, general microbial load count and specific microorganism count according to the area of use are performed.

Although medical materials are produced in clean room conditions, they have a certain microorganism load. Microorganism load is of great importance especially in non-sterile products. Production, storage and transportation conditions of the product are determined by considering the microorganism load.

Microbiological Examination of Non-Sterile Products (Total Number of Applicable Aerobics)

Microbial count in non-sterile products is the quantitative counting process of mesophilic bacteria and fungi that can grow under aerobic conditions. Microbial counts, especially on drugs, are carried out to determine whether the product complies with the microbiological requirements specified in the monograph and the quality of the raw material. In testing operations, the pouring and spreading plate method can be performed using the membrane filtration method.


Microbiological Examination of Non-sterile Products (Test for Specific Microorganisms)

These are test procedures performed for the detection of specific (specified) microorganisms that should not be found in non-sterile products. Specific microorganisms sought in non-sterile products are as follows.

- Microbiological Examination of Non-sterile Products (Test for Specific Microorganisms)

- Staphylococcus aureus (AATC 6538, NCIMB 9518, CIP 4.83, NBRC13276)

- Pseudomonas aeruginosa (AATC 8739, NCIMB 8545, CIP 53.126, MBRC 3972)

- Salmonella enterica ssp. Enterica serotype typhimurium (AATC 14028), Salmonella enterica spp. Enterica serotype abony (NBRC 100797, NCTC 6017, CIP 80.39)

- Clostridium sporogenes (AATC 11437, NBRC 14293, CIP 100651, AATC 19404, NCTC 532, CIP 79.03)


"Microbial Count in Non-Sterile Products - Specific Microorganism Count" processes are carried out in biocidal products.

Apart from the features expected from textile products such as non-allergic, non-carcinogenic and non-toxic, it is also important to be antibacterial depending on the area of use. While it is expected that the clothes used in hospital environments are generally antibacterial, it has become a sought-after feature in daily clothes such as socks, which we frequently use today, in products such as carpets, sofa fabrics, towels, kitchen cloths, sports clothes, baby items used in the home and hotel environment.

Textile products are environments where microorganisms can easily multiply in terms of their structure. Since they provide appropriate temperature, humidity and nutrients in textile products, microorganisms may multiply and over time may harm the consumer. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, textile products have started to play an important role in reducing or eliminating the damages caused by microorganisms.

In the evaluation of antibacterial activity in textile products, especially; Test procedures are carried out on Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae microorganisms.


"Microbial Count in Non-Sterile Products - Specific Microorganism Count" processes are carried out in biocidal products..

Clothes Outerwear
Hat - Gloves
Bedroom Textiles Bed
Quilt - Blanket
Home textiles Carpet, Rug, Mat, Carpet Covers
Table Cloth
Cleaning Cloths
Baby products Underwear
Bed Products
Textile Products for Pets Pillow
Absorbent Covers