Honey Analysis

Honey Analysis

Honey Analysis

Honey ranks first among imitation and adulterated foods. Fake honey is produced by adding sugar syrup to honey or by adding color, taste, smell and aroma to products such as corn syrup and glucose syrup completely chemically.

Quality control conditions for honey are specified within the scope of Turkish Food Codex Honey Communiqué. Within the scope of the honey communique; It is expressed as a natural product that can be crystallized by its nature, that plant nectars change by combining with specific substances after collecting it by bees, reduce the water content and mature by storing in the comb.

Honey Types According To Its Source;

• Flower Honey
• Secretion Honey
• Pine Honey

Honey Types According to Production and / or Market Launch;

• Honeycomb Honey • Natural Honeycomb Honey
• Karakovan Honey
• Filtered Honey
• Honeycomb Filtered Honey
• Extra Virgin Honey • Press Honey
• Filtered Honey

What Are The Properties Of Honey?

- It consists of different sugars, organic compounds, enzymes and pollen, including fructose and glucose.
- There is absolutely no additive in honey.
- Honey color can vary from water white to amber color.
- The consistency of honey can be fluid, viscous and crystalline.
- Except for filtered honey, no filter is applied to honeys below 0.1 mm.
- The taste and smell of honey varies according to its source and the type of plant it is produced from.

Our laboratories serving in many provinces in turkey, "Honey Analysis" in accordance with legal regulations and standards relating to Türkak accreditation is carried out.

Diastase Determination IHC Phadebas Diastase Determination Method
Determination of Water Insoluble Substance TS 3036
Proline Analysis TS 13357
Determination of naphthalene Journal of Apiproduct and Apimedical Science 2(3):87-92,2010
Determination of Antibiotic Analytica Chimica ACTA 880,2015 103-121
Free Acidity in Honey IHC Method
pH Determination NMKL 179
Determination of Sugar Components (Glucose - Fructose - Maltose - Sucrose) IHC Section 7.2
HMF Determination IHC Section 5.1
Moisture Determination TS 13365