Shelf Life Studies

Shelf Life Studies

Shelf Life Studies

In the food industry, another issue that is as important as all stages that pass until it reaches the consumer, such as the production, storage and transportation of foodstuffs, is the shelf life of the food.
Shelf life; It refers to the process by which the sensory, chemical, physical, microbiological and nutritional values ​​desired in food can be preserved. In this process, foodstuffs; It should not be damaged microbiologically, chemically and physically.
While determining the shelf life, different analytical parameters are taken as basis: Organoleptic parameters such as appearance, taste, odor, color, physical and chemical parameters, microbiological parameters, monitoring the stability of aromatic substances, lipid oxidation ...
The shelf life of the foodstuff should be determined before it reaches the consumer and should be specified on the product. There are different shelf lives for cheeses, meats, vegetables and fruits, bakery products, frozen foods.
Factors affecting the shelf life of foods are the structural features of the food and environmental factors. Temperature, humidity, oxygen, light and packaging processes can be counted as environmental factors. As for the structural features of food; Water activity, microbial load, pH degree can be given as examples. While determining the shelf life of food, the factors in question should be determined based on food.
Two different methods are used in determining the shelf life, full time and accelerated.

Full Time Shelf Life Determination: It is a long-term test process in which the parameters determined according to the structure of the food material are checked at certain periods during the estimated spoilage process. It is a classical method. However, it is not a suitable method for foods with a long shelf life such as canned food and pasta. In case of a change in at least one of the product formulation, applied processes, packaging and storage conditions in determination of full-time shelf life, the analysis should be repeated for new conditions.

Shelf Life Detection with Accelerated Method: Accelerated method is the method applied to shorten the analysis process. This method includes accelerated shelf life and predictive microbiology processes. The accelerated method is the identification of significant degradation reactions in food at at least three different temperatures with the kinetic model expressed by reaction degrees, expressing the dependence of the reaction constant on temperature, and fixing the shelf life with the data obtained.

With these two methods, the shelf life of the foods is determined, making it easier for the producer to take the necessary precautions to avoid loss, and the consumer is provided with information about the consumption process of the food purchased.

Our laboratories serving in many provinces in turkey, "Shelf Life Studies" in accordance with legal regulations and standards relating to Türkak accreditation is carried out.