Alcohol Amount of Cologne Products

Alcohol Amount of Cologne Products

Alcohol Amount of Cologne Products

While buying cologne, the alcohol rate and degree in cologne gained importance with the Covid 19 epidemic, although not before. In daily life, besides washing hands frequently, cologne consumption is high for instant disinfection. Alcohol ratio is very important for a cologne to give the desired effect in terms of disinfection.

Colonies that can be effective against viruses should be at 70 - 80 degrees. The degree of alcohol in a cologne is determined by the amount of alcohol in it. The alcoholic strength is equal to the volume of alcohol in a mixture of 100 parts water and alcohol. alcohol of 70 degrees; 70 units alcohol – 30 units water.

Different grades of colognes are sold in the market. The level of alcohol specified on the label must be determined by analysis. You can contact Nanolab Analysis Laboratory for Alcohol Content Test in Cologne.