Determination of Total Dietary Fiber by AOAC 991.43 Method

What is Dietary Fiber? Why Test It?

Determination of Total Dietary Fiber by AOAC 991.43 Method

What is Dietary Fiber?

Dietary fiber is defined as a mixture of complex organic substances, including soluble and insoluble polysaccharides and non-swelling, more or less hydrophobic compounds such as indigestible oligosaccharides, cutins, suberins and lignins. It is a type of carbohydrate derived from plant-based foods that cannot be digested. Our bodies cannot digest these fibers or convert them into energy, but they are of great importance for digestive health and overall health.

Dietary fibers are divided into two main groups: soluble fibers and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers combine with water to form a gel and move slowly through the digestive tract, while insoluble fibers pass through the digestive tract, increasing the volume of stool and regulating bowel movements.

A diet high in dietary fiber supports bowel function, and foods high in dietary fiber are particularly preferred for a healthy diet. The AOAC 991.43 standard measures the total, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber content (TDF, SDF and IDF, respectively) of a sample using an MES-Tris buffer.

AOAC 991.43: Test Method for Total, Soluble and Insoluble Dietary Fiber in Foods

  • The sample is degreased and dispersed in buffer.
  • The starch is gelatinized and partially digested with alpha-amylase.
  • It is then digested again with protease and amyloglucosidase enzymes.
  • The undigested IDF mass is filtered off, dried and weighed.
  • Ethanol is added to the filtrate to precipitate SDF.
  • The undigested SDF mass is isolated, dried and weighed.
  • If direct TDF is desired without quantification of IDF and SDF, the IDF filtration step is omitted.

AOAC 991.43: Why Determine Total Dietary Fiber?

The AOAC 991.43 method is a commonly used analysis method for determining total dietary fiber in foods. This analysis is performed for the following purposes:

  1. Food Labeling and Consumer Information: Manufacturers can use this method to accurately determine the dietary fiber content of their food products and present this information on their labels. This helps consumers make healthy dietary decisions.
  2. Nutritional Value and Health: Since the fiber content of foods is an important component of a healthy diet, it needs to be accurately determined. Adequate dietary fiber intake can help prevent many health problems.
  3. Quality Control of Food Products: The nutritional value of ingredients and products used in production processes is evaluated. With the AOAC 991.43 test method, you can ensure quality control by accurately measuring dietary fiber levels in foods.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Food manufacturers must accurately determine the total amount of dietary fiber to comply with legal regulations.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Total Dietary Fiber Determination . We also provide services in the determination of Nutrients.

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