Nitrogenous substances are the first pollution element to be controlled in environmental and especially water pollution. Nitrogen and nitrogenous substances are among the substances that form the basis of environmental pollution. The presence of nitrogenous substances in seawater can be an indicator of pollution. For this reason, one of the chemical analyzes performed in seawater samples is “Ammonia / Ammonia Nitrogen; Ammonium / Ammonium Nitrogen Determination”.
In order to prevent environmental pollution within the scope of environmental engineering, it is important to determine the causes of environmental pollution. Determination of marine pollution is provided by tests and analyzes within the scope of relevant regulations and standards for the continuity of the ecosystem.
Ammonia () and ammonium () nitrogen are important parts of the nitrogen cycle. In the water environment, these two forms are in balance depending on the pH and temperature of the water.
The sum of these compounds is often referred to as “ammonia and ammonium nitrogen”. It should be monitored as it may pose a risk of toxicity, especially in aquatic ecosystems.
Ammonia / Ammonia Nitrogen; Ammonium / Ammonium Nitrogen can also be analyzed in seawater samples to make comments about the sample. Ammonia / Ammonia Nitrogen in Seawater samples; Ammonium / Ammonium Nitrogen Determination is carried out in accredited and authorized Nanolab Environmental Analysis Laboratory.
Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Ammonia and Ammonium Nitrogen Determination. We also provide services in Wastewater Analysis.
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