Determination of Contamination in Flour: Quality Control and Health Risk Assessment

Why Determination of Contamination in Flour?

Determination of Contamination in Flour: Quality Control and Health Risk Assessment

Contamination in flour

Flour, which is widely used in the bakery sector and obtained from various cereals such as wheat, corn, rye, oats, must have various properties within the scope of the relevant regulations and standards. Physical, chemical and microbiological analyzes can be performed to test its suitability according to the areas of use.

Pollution Determination is also important among the analyzes performed within the scope of its quality. Flour contamination can be physical, chemical or microbiological.

Bran Contamination in Flour

Wheat consists of bran, germ and endosperm. The endosperm, which constitutes the majority of the wheat grain, is the part where nutrients are stored and flour is obtained. It is undesirable to mix parts other than endosperm in flour milling. Especially if the bran is not separated, it poses a problem in the color evaluation of flour.

Methods such as ash content, color determination and bran stain counting are used to detect bran contamination in flour.

Fungal and Toxin Contamination

Contamination of cereals can occur from both biotic and abiotic stress factors and fungal infection during pre-harvest, post-harvest and storage. Fungal and toxin contamination of flour and foods derived from or using flour in their production, such as breads, cookies and cakes, breakfast cereals, pastas, soups and sauces, can cause health problems.

The presence of fungi and mycotoxins in flour affects all areas of human and animal health. They are carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, estrogenic, hemorrhagic, immunotoxic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, dermatotoxic and neurotoxic, causing acute and chronic diseases. This contamination of cereals during cultivation in the field, processing, storage and/or transportation can be detected by analyzing the resulting flour.

Foreign Matter Contamination

One of the most important problems that reduce flour quality is the presence of foreign matter. Weeds, weed seeds, stones, dust, soil, wheat ears or shells, stalks, straw and all other substances are known as “foreign matter”. The presence of foreign matter can be detected in flour by various methods. It may vary especially according to the type of substance.

As Nanolab Laboratories Group, we serve with our expert and authorized team for the determination of impurity in flour. You can also read our article on Evaluation of Appearance in Wheat and Chemical Analysis in Wheat.

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