Determination of Content of Chlorobenzene and Chlorotoluene Based Bonds

Determination of Content of Chlorobenzene and Chlorotoluene Based Bonds in Textile

Determination of Content of Chlorobenzene and Chlorotoluene Based Bonds

“Chlororganic Carriers (COCs)”, which are used as intermediates in the synthesis of different chemicals and consist of a group of chemicals consisting of chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes, are used as dye carriers in dyeing polyesters with disperse dyes and as a leveling agent.

Chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes have various applications in various industries. They are found in textile applications in clothing and footwear supply chains. It is also used as a carrier in synthetic fiber dyeing for polyester and polyester blends.

Chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes are used as intermediates in the synthesis of solvents, yeasts, and other chemical formulations with high melting points, among other chemicals.1,2 certain chlorobenzenes can be used to make deodorizers or degreasers for metal, leather, and wool, where dichlorobenzene is used.

Why Are Chlorobenzenes and Chlorotoluenes (COCs) Restricted?

- Penta- and hexachlorobenzene are categorized as persistent organic pollutants.
- Some types can be very toxic to aquatic organisms, especially at certain concentrations.
- Prolonged exposure to some chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes above certain concentration levels may cause the development of certain cancers.
- Toxic by inhalation or skin contact above certain concentration levels.