Determination of Proline in Honey: Regulations and Quality Control Processes

Why is Proline Determination in Honey?

Determination of Proline in Honey: Regulations and Quality Control Processes

What is Proline?

Proline in honey is an amino acid among the 20 amino acids that make up the proteins analyzed to determine the quality and purity of honey. Unlike other amino acids, it lacks the primary amine group (-NH2), as the three carbon atoms in its side chain form a ring and bond back to the nitrogen atom in the peptide bond. It contains nitrogen (nitrogen), which is called a secondary amine. Proline is abundant in natural honey and is an indicator that honey is produced by bees. Honey is analyzed for proline to determine its purity and the possibility of counterfeiting. The proline value is a critical parameter to determine how natural the honey is and whether it contains sugar or external additives.

Benefits of high proline raw honey:

  • Thanks to its antimicrobial and antioxidant activities, proline stimulates the immune system. It produces an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It accelerates the healing of wounds and burns.

Proline in Honey Related Regulations and Legislation

Regulations on the determination of proline in honey are made within the scope of the Turkish Food Codex Honey Communiqué:

  • The Turkish Food Codex Honey Communiqué (2020/7) sets the composition criteria and quality requirements for honey.
  • According to the Communiqué, the minimum amount of proline in flower honey is expected to be 300 mg/kg. A proline value below this limit indicates that the honey may be of poor quality or adulterated.
  • Among international regulations, Codex Alimentarius and the European Union Honey Directive also serve as references for proline determination.

Why Determination of Proline in Honey?

Determination of proline in honey is important to determine the quality, naturalness and adulteration of honey. Here are the main reasons:

  1. Detection of Fake Honey: To determine whether additives such as sugar or corn syrup are added to honey.
  2. Quality Control: The amount of proline in real honey produced by bees is high; therefore, a low proline value indicates a quality problem.
  3. Ensuring Consumer Confidence: Providing accurate information to the consumer by distinguishing natural honey.
  4. Legal Compliance: Analyzes are required to show that products comply with food legislation.

Within the scope of the Turkish Food Codex, the proline value required in honey was increased from 180 mg/kg to 300 mg/kg in 2013.

Quality honey should have a proline value of 450-500 mg/kg.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Proline Determination in Honey . We also provide services on Determination of Moisture in Honey.

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