Reichert-Meissl Number Determination: The Right Analysis Method for Butter Quality

Reichert-Meissl Number Analysis of Butter

Reichert-Meissl Number Determination: The Right Analysis Method for Butter Quality

Despite all inspections and legal regulations, counterfeiting and adulteration in the food sector continues. In particular, the most important process among the things to be done to prevent this situation is the analysis stages. As a result of the analyzes to be carried out, it is determined whether any imitation or adulteration is made in food products and in this way, adulterated products are prevented from being offered for human consumption. In general, the most counterfeited and adulterated food products are milk and dairy products.

Among dairy products, butter is one of the most consumed products in our country. Reichert-Meissl number determination is the parameter used to determine whether different fats are added to butter for counterfeiting and adulteration.

What is Reichert-Meissl Number?

  • Reichert-Meissl Number: Refers to the sum of short-chain fatty acids measured by the acidity (in mg KOH) of 1 gram of butter.
  • Fatty Acids Covered: Short-chain acids such as curar acid (C4), caprylic acid (C6), capric acid (C8), and lauric acid (C10).

The Reichert-Meissl number refers to a value describing the water vapor-volatile and water-insoluble fatty acids in 5 grams of oil. The Reichert-Meissl number is based on the distillation of milk fats after saponification of butter by volatilizing the low molecular fatty acids with water vapor and collecting the distillation product in a collection vessel and titrating it with an alkali solution.

What is the Importance of Analysis?

  1. Quality and Purity Determination: The Reichert-Meissl number indicates product quality by determining the presence and amount of short-chain fatty acids in butter. A high RMS can indicate that the butter is of good quality and under-processed.
  2. Chemical Purity and Processing Indicator: The Reichert-Meissl number indicates that the butter is pure and has undergone the correct production processes. A low RMS may indicate the presence of foreign fats or additives in the butter.
  3. Legal Compliance and Standardization: In butter production, a certain Reichert-Meissl number may be set as a production standard and exceeding this value may indicate a quality problem.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Reichert-Meissl Number Determination. We also provide services in Olive Oil Analysis.

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