Somatic Cell Count Analysis in Milk: Methods and Importance

Why Somatic Cell Count in Milk?

Somatic Cell Count Analysis in Milk: Methods and Importance

Milk Types and Quality Parameters

Milk quality parameters are criteria used to determine the nutritional value, safety and properties of milk from milk production to consumption. Knowledge about the different types of milk and their quality parameters is important for both consumers and producers.

Milk Types

  • Cow's Milk: Contains high amounts of calcium, protein, vitamins (especially B12) and minerals.
  • Goat Milk: An alternative that is less allergenic and may be more suitable for people with lactose intolerance.
  • Sheep's Milk: Contains higher fat and protein than cow's milk. It is especially preferred for cheese making.
  • Buffalo Milk: Known for its thick consistency and high fat content. It is widely used for making Mozzarella cheese.
  • Vegetable Milks (Soy, Almond, Coconut, Oat, etc.): Preferred as an alternative to animal milk. It is frequently consumed by lactose intolerant people and vegans.

Factors Affecting Milk Quality

  • Animal Health Status: Milk from healthy animals is generally of higher quality.
  • Nutrition: The nutritional status of the animal has a direct impact on the composition and quality of the milk.
  • Milking and Storage Conditions: Hygiene conditions during milking, processing and storage determine the microbiological quality of milk.
  • Processing and Pasteurization: Processing and pasteurization of milk is necessary to kill pathogens and extend the shelf life of milk.

What is Mastitis? What are the Dangers?

Mastitis is a disease that can occur in dairy cattle and can cause great financial losses if no measures are taken. The health and quality of milk offered for human consumption in terms of food safety is related to the health of the animal udder.

Causes of Mastitis

  • Bacterial Infections: Bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Escherichia coli are the most common causes of mastitis. Bacteria enter through the nipple, reach the breast tissue and cause inflammation.
  • Physical Trauma: Trauma to the breast tissue or injuries during milking can also lead to mastitis.
  • Unhygienic Milking Conditions: Dirty milking equipment, non-compliance with hygiene rules, and damage to the teats during milking increase the risk of infection.
  • Weak Immune System: Conditions such as stress, malnutrition, excessive milk production weaken the immune system of the animal and increase the risk of mastitis.

Somatic Cell Count in milk is determined as an indicator of mastitis disease in cattle.

What is Somatic Cell?

Somatic cells, which are defined among the defense systems of the udder, pass into the milk in the blood and consist of a small amount of epithelial cell debris with white blood cells. Breast health can be commented on according to the number of somatic cells.

Somatic cell count in milk above the relevant regulations and legal regulations is a risk to human health. It also causes quality problems in milk processing. It is an indicator of loss of milk production.

Factors Affecting Somatic Cell Count

  • Breast inflammation
  • Age of the animal
  • Lactation period
  • Animal stress
  • Daily changes

For all your questions about Somatic Cell Count Analysis in Food, you can contact our expert and authorized team as Nanolab Laboratories Group. We also provide services in Olive Oil Analysis, you can visit our website for detailed information.

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