Dust Measurement

Dust Measurements in the Working Environment ... What Are the Requirements, Conditions and Benefits?

Dust Measurement

Occupational health and safety (OHS) can be expressed as practices for the protection of all employees in the workplace, based on laws, regulations and communiqués. The aim of the measures taken is to prevent health problems and occupational risks that may arise from the work environment of the employees.

Many environmental measurements are carried out within the scope of occupational health and safety (OHS). One of these measurements is "Dust Measurements".

Solid particles below 300 microns are called powder. Dust measurements are carried out in order to prevent the negative effects of dust that may occur at workplaces on employees. Generally; Dust measurements should be made in mines, machining places, furniture workshops, areas such as glass and ceramics and workplaces such as cutting, polishing and sanding.

The damages of a person working in dusty environments can be listed as follows. First of all, the field of vision decreases, work efficiency decreases and most importantly, it causes occupational diseases. Dust formation and inhalation of 0.5 - 5 microns in the environment causes a disease called pneumoconiosis.

OHS in Turkey Dust Measurements are performed within the scope of ISGUM TURKAK permit and accreditation.