EMI - EMC Tests in Medical Products

Why EMC Tests Are Made in Medical Products?

EMI - EMC Tests in Medical Products

EMC (Electro Magnetic Compability), ie Electro Magnetic Compatibility; It can be expressed as the compatibility of medical devices with electromagnetic interaction with the environment and nature. The EMC requirement of electronic medical devices depends on the emission and immunity of the electromagnetic signals.

Basically, EMC tests include electromagnetic noise (emission) tests emitted by cables or air around the devices and immunity tests that determine how much the devices are affected by the electromagnetic noise around them.

Whether a medical device works with 220V AC or DC (battery or adapter), if it affects electromagnetically or externally, EMC test should be performed. Determination of EMC tests to be applied to a product can be determined by considering the technical characteristics of the product.

EMC tests are carried out specifically for the product under certain standards. General EMC tests can be listed as follows.

- EN / IEC 60601 series
- ANSI C63.27 on wireless coexistence
- AIM 7351731 for RFID assessments
- US FDA 510 (k)
- Medical Device Directive (MDD)
- ISO 14971

EMC tests are generally the tests that should be done for medical devices that want to obtain CE certification.

Apart from medical devices, EMC tests are also performed on the following products.

- Electrical Appliances
- Electrical Commercial Appliances
- Lighting Fixtures
- Measurement and Control Devices