Determination of Total Gaseous Organic Carbon in Stationary Source Emissions
Determination of the mass concentration of total gaseous organic carbon - Continuous flame ionization detector method
Purpose and Scope of EN 12619 Standard
The EN 12619 standard standardizes the measurement of total gaseous organic carbon (TOC) in industrial gas emissions, especially in industrial plants. This measurement is used to monitor gases in the atmosphere, to comply with environmental regulations and to control pollutants of industrial origin.
- Scope: This standard defines the instruments used to measure total gaseous organic carbon (TOC) in the gaseous environment and the operating conditions of these instruments.
- Application Area: Provides a procedure for monitoring waste gas emissions, analyzing gases from industrial processes and ensuring compliance with environmental control regulations.
- Method: The gas sample is analyzed using a FID (Continuous Flame Ionization Detector). This device ionizes organic substances in the gas and measures their concentration.
The EN 12619 standard specifies a flame ionization detector method. It is used as a standard reference method for the measurement of the mass concentration of gaseous and vaporous organic substances (expressed as TVOC) in the concentration range up to 1000 mg/m³ in stationary source emissions.
It is expressed as total carbon (TVOC) in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m³) with measurements made within the scope of EN 12619 standard. It is one of the important test parameters as one of the many emission analyzes performed within the scope of environmental analysis.
Usage Areas of EN 12619 Standard
- Industrial Emission Control: Monitoring and management of total organic carbon (TOC) content of gases produced in industrial facilities.
- Environmental Flood Monitoring: A method for monitoring and controlling the environmental impact of gas emissions.
- Atmospheric Research: Used to monitor and regulate air quality in industrial areas.
- Environmental Management Systems: An analytical method used to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
What is the Continuous Flame Ionization Detector (FID) Method?
The FID Method allows the organic carbon in a gas sample to be measured by ionizing it. This process works by ionizing the gas by passing it through an ion source and then detecting the ions by the detector. FID can measure the carbon content in the gas in a highly sensitive and accurate way.
- Flame Ionization: The gas enters a hydrogen and air flame. The hydrogen molecules in the flame ionize the organic components of the gas.
- Ion Detection: The ions are measured by the detector and the concentration of organic carbon is calculated.
- Measurement Sensitivity: This method can precisely measure even low levels of carbon in organic compounds.
Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Total Gaseous Organic Carbon Determination. We also provide services in Emission - Imission Measurements.
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