The most important industrial use for hexane is food production, where it is used for a variety of applications such as in pharmaceutical production, polymerization, industrial cleaning and degreasing, the production of adhesives and sealants, or rubber processing. Hexane is a widely used solvent in the food industry. Hexane is among the extraction solvents that can be used in the production of foods or food ingredients in the EU directive 2009/32/EC.
Food products used;
- Vegetable oils,
- Solid oils,
- Aromas,
- Smells,
- Color Additives
Hexane is not stated on the label because it is used as a processing aid in foods. However, trace amounts of hexane may be present in processed products. It is known that hexane – especially the n-hexane isomer – is neurotoxic. For these reasons, Hexane Determination is carried out in the foods specified above.
ISO 9289: Oilseed residues - Determination of free residual hexane