Fish Bioassay

What are the Purpose and Conditions of Fish Bioassay (ZSF)?

Fish Bioassay

Fish bioassay; It is based on the principle of determining whether the fish will remain alive within 48 hours when the wastewater is diluted with the dilution water in certain proportions.

The harmful substances in the wastewater adhere to the fins of the fish and cause poisoning by passing to the respiratory epithelium and skin or digestive systems.

With the "Toxicity Dilution Factor (ZSF)" expressed as the sum of relative dilution water volumes per unit of wastewater volume, the toxic effects of wastewater can be expressed on the basis of the smallest dilution value that fish can survive.

Fish Bioassay Prerequisites:

- Test fish should be kept in aquariums with ventilated, chlorine-free drinking water.
- Water circulation should be provided.
- There should be a maximum of 5 fish in 1 liter of water.
- Lebistes Reticulatus, Lepomis Macrochirus, Oryzias Latipes, Pimephales Promelas and Poecilia Reticulata fish are used as test fish.
- Test fish should be 30 mm long and 0.3 g in weight.
- Test fish should be adapted to a temperature of 20 o C for 48 hours.