The flash point is the minimum temperature at which vapors from the material will ignite as fuel in the presence of an ignition source. Data that can be obtained by checking the flash point of the oil:
- Whether a volatile/flammable material contaminates a known material
- Whether the oil decomposes and produces these contaminants
Lubricants One of the tests performed to obtain information about various products, including petroleum-based materials, is to determine the flash point. When determining the flash point, different variables that may affect the flammability of the material should also be taken into account.
These variables include:
- Environment
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Ignition energy
- Gas composition
Assessing the safety hazards of liquids and semi-solids, including flammability, is also an important analysis to classify these materials based on the results obtained.
Consult Nanolab Environmental/Water Analysis Laboratory for Flash Point Determination in Oils.