The GB 14746 standard defines the terms and definitions of bicycles for young children aged approximately four to eight years with a maximum seat height of more than 435 mm and less than 635 mm, as well as the safety and performance requirements and test methods for the design, assembly and testing of such bicycles. includes.
The tests performed within the scope of the standard are as follows:
• Brake block test
• Brake system load test
• Manual brake performance test
• Rear pedal brake performance test
• Steering assembly test
• Impact tests on frame/fork assembly
• Falling mass test
• Dropping frame/fork assembly test
• Wheel static load test
• Pedal/crank assembly kinetic test
• Static load test - Saddle and column
• Drive system static load test
• Stabilizers - Vertical load test
• Stabilizers - Longitudinal load test
• Seat strength test
GB 14746: Safety requirements for bicycles for young children