GB 9683: Hygienic Requirements for Composite Laminated Food Packaging Bags

What are the Requirements of GB 9683 Standard?

GB 9683: Hygienic Requirements for Composite Laminated Food Packaging Bags

GB 9683 is the Chinese national standard containing hygiene standards set for food packaging and in particular composite laminated bags. It regulates the rules to be followed in terms of quality and safety in packaging materials in contact with food. This standard defines the physical, chemical and microbiological requirements for food packaging to prevent harm to human health.

Purpose of GB 9683 Standard

  • Consumer Health Protection: Preventing the transfer of toxic substances and contaminants to food in food contact packaging.
  • Hygiene and Safety: To ensure that the materials and processes used in the production of packaging are carried out under safe and hygienic conditions.
  • Determination of Quality Standards: To determine the limits of the physical properties (such as durability, permeability) and chemical safety of packaging.

GB 9683 Scope

This standard covers the following topics:

  1. Material Composition: The polymers, adhesives and other chemicals used must consist of safe components. No toxic or harmful chemical components are used.
  2. Chemical Transition Limits: Maximum limits are set for chemicals that can pass from the packaging material to the food. For example
    • Total migration limit: 10 mg/dm².
    • Heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury): Must comply with current limit values.
  3. Physical Properties: Testing of properties such as durability, puncture resistance, heat resistance of the packaging. Gas and moisture proof properties are important as they have an impact on the shelf life of food.
  4. Hygienic Conditions: Compliance with hygiene rules in packaging production processes. Prevention of microbial contamination.
  5. Test Methods and Standards: The standard also includes analysis and testing procedures. For example, migration tests, physical durability tests and microbiological tests.

Tests Specified in the Standard

GB 9683 stipulates that various tests must be performed to ensure the safety of composite laminated packaging:

  • Total and Specific Migration Tests: Determines the amount of chemicals that can migrate from the material into food.
  • Chemical Resistance: Measures the material's reaction to acidic, alkaline or oily foods.
  • Physical Durability Tests: Puncture, tear and temperature resistance.
  • Heavy Metal Analysis: Levels of elements such as cadmium, lead and mercury are measured.
  • Microbiological Analysis: The sterilization level of the packaging is evaluated.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Packaging Analysis. We also provide services in NIAS Studies.

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