GMO Analysis in Cotton: Genetically Modified Organism Detection

Why GMO Testing in Cotton?

GMO Analysis in Cotton: Genetically Modified Organism Detection

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are living organisms other than human beings obtained by transferring genes from another living being in order to change the genetic sequence of a living being and to give it a different feature that is not inherent in its own nature.

GMO Use and Prevalence in Cotton

GM cotton was developed specifically to improve pest resistance. This type of cotton, known asBt cotton, contains a gene derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. This gene protects the cotton plant against pests such as insects, especially the cotton bollworm. GM cotton is grown in many countries to increase productivity and reduce pesticide use.

However, there are concerns about the environmental impact of such genetically engineered crops and their long-term effects on human health. The availability of GM crops on the market has become an issue that requires various methods of analysis to detect them.

While the production of GMO cotton is rapidly expanding worldwide, Turkey, together with Greece and Spain, has banned GMO cotton, including for R&D purposes, and has thus become one of the three privileged countries in the world, and the largest, to produce only “Non-GMO Cotton”.

In this context, our country has also achieved great success in cotton breeding, and with the contribution of the growing experience and expertise of our cotton farmers, Turkey has become the second in the world in field yield, after Australia, with a difference of 10-12%.

In this sense, Turkey has gained a very important and unique position in world cotton production as a producer of pure GMO-free cotton main and by-products and as a country with a GMO-free cotton gene source. This important and unique position offers unique opportunities for our country on the one hand, and on the other hand, it imposes serious responsibilities on our country for the future of the world cotton industry.

Importance and Uses of GMO Testing

  • Organic Cotton Certification: In organic farming, the use of GMO products is prohibited. Therefore, organic cotton producers have to prove that their products are GMO-free in order to obtain organic certification. GMO analysis is an essential test to ensure compliance with organic farming standards.
  • Consumer Safety and Transparency: Consumers want to be sure that the cotton products they buy are GMO-free. GMO detection tests reassure consumers that products are natural and healthy. In addition, trends such as ethical clothing and sustainable production are driving demand for non-GMO products.
  • Farm and Production Inspection: Farmers and cotton producers can use GMO detection tests to check the quality of their products. In addition, GMO analysis may be required to comply with agricultural regulations in countries where products are marketed.
  • Environmental Impacts and Biodiversity: Widespread cultivation of GM crops can threaten the environmental balance and biodiversity. Therefore, such analysis is important to monitor and track the environmental impacts of GM cotton.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of GMO Analysis in Cotton. We also provide services in Organic Cotton Analysis.

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