GMO Detection in Foods

In Which Agricultural Products, Why Is GMO Detected In Foods?

GMO Detection in Foods

The detection of genetically modified organisms helps grain growers, suppliers, processors and consumers to identify and track the genetic identity of plants at all stages of food production.

Today, many agricultural products, including maize, cotton, rice, soybeans, canola and alfalfa, contain multiple GMO varieties that increase yield potential or crop value by providing herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, environmental stress tolerance or output characteristics.

GMO testing can be done for GMO testing, especially since GMO-free product producers may contain unintentionally genetically modified plants due to cross-pollination. Thanks to these tests, any contamination is detected in the field and the non-GMO crop integrity is preserved.

There are some important points in GMO analysis on foods. First of all, the sample should be taken from the correct part of the plant. A sample of a leaf, seed or grain from a growing plant is sufficient for GMO detection.

Bulk grain can be tested using both protein-based and DNA-based methods, but processed grains can only be tested using DNA-based methods due to protein denaturation during food processing.

GMO Screening: Fast and cost-effective method for detecting various GMOs. GMOs have no specific definition
GMO Identification: Identifying different genetic modifications of GMOs or even identifying single transgenic GMO events
GMO Determination: Measurement of GMO content in samples