Hormone Analysis in Food Products

Hormone Analysis in Food Products

Hormone Analysis in Food Products

Hormones are a class of signaling molecules produced by glands in multicellular organisms that are transported to organs by the circulatory system to regulate physiology and behavior. The roles of hormones can be listed as follows:

- Life cycle of animals during growth, development and reproduction
- Growth and immune system of plants

More productivity than the hormones naturally found in foods Artificial hormone can be given to achieve Residues of hormones and anabolic steroids can be found in various products such as meat and dairy products. This situation negatively affects human health. Synthetic steroids and beta-agonists can be used to improve average weight gain and meat/fat ratio in livestock farming. For this reason, hormone tests are performed on foods.

Its use as a growth stimulant in animal breeding is completely banned in the European Union. Controls are carried out within the scope of Directives 96/22/EC, 2008/97/EC and 2003/74/EC.

Consult Nanolab Food Analysis Laboratory for Hormone Determination.