OHS Measurement and Analysis: How Often Should They Be Performed?

OHS Measurement and Analysis

OHS Measurement and Analysis: How Often Should They Be Performed?

OHS, i.e. “Occupational Health and Safety”, can be defined as all practices aimed at protecting occupational and worker health within the scope of relevant laws and regulations. In order to determine that a working environment is suitable for employees, OHS measurements are carried out at certain intervals.

What are OHS Measurements and Analyzes?

The main measurements and analyzes that should be carried out regularly in workplaces are as follows:

  1. Air Quality Measurements: Determination of dust, gas, vapor and particulate matter, measurement of respirable dust and chemical vapor levels.
  2. Noise Measurements: Determination of noise levels to which employees are exposed.
  3. Vibration Measurements: Measurement of vibrations caused by hand-held devices or equipment.
  4. Thermal Comfort Measurements: Measurement of factors such as temperature, humidity, airflow.
  5. Lighting Measurements: Checking whether work environments have adequate and appropriate lighting levels.
  6. Measurement of Chemical and Biological Risk Factors: Detection of hazardous chemicals or biological agents in the work environment.
  7. Ergonomic Risk Assessment: Analyzing the suitability of the working environment for employees.

Frequency of Measurement and Analysis

1. Legal Requirements

In Turkey, the frequency of occupational health and safety measurements is determined by the OHS Regulation and sectoral legislation. This frequency varies according to the hazard class of the workplace and the nature of the work performed:

  • Less Hazardous Workplaces:
    • It is usually sufficient to measure once a year.
  • Hazardous Workplaces:
    • Measurement every 6 months is recommended.
  • Very Hazardous Workplaces:
    • Quarterly (every 3 months) measurements may be required.

2. Risk Assessment Results

The risk assessment at the workplace directly affects the frequency of measurements. If high risks have been identified in a workplace, measurements may need to be carried out more frequently.

3. Changes in Working Conditions

It is important to renew measurements whenever there is a change in the working environment:

  • The introduction of new equipment.
  • Changes in production processes.
  • Organization or relocation of work areas.

In general, we can talk about a period system as follows.

  • G.O or A.O<0.1* Exposure Value - Every 36 Months
  • 0.1* Exposure Value< G.O or A.O<0.25* Exposure Value - Every 24 Months
  • 0.25* Exposure Value< G.O or A.O<0.5* Exposure Value - Every 18 Months
  • 0.5* ExposureValue< G.O or A.O - Every 12 Months

OHS measurements should be carried out regularly in workplaces, taking into account the values mentioned above.

In which cases are extra measurements required?

Some special circumstances may require measurements to be carried out beyond the legal requirement:

  • Complaints and Health Problems: Health complaints from employees or occupational accidents.
  • Audits: Measurements requested by OHS inspectors.
  • New Regulations: Changes made in the legislation.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of OHS Measurement and Analysis. We also provide services in the determination of Total and Respirable Dust.

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