ISO 673: Soaps - Determination of content of ethanol-insoluble matter

ISO 673: Soaps - Determination of content of ethanol-insoluble matter

ISO 673: Soaps - Determination of content of ethanol-insoluble matter

ISO 673 is the preferred standard for determining the ethanol-insoluble substance content in commercial soaps. Substance that cannot be dissolved in ethanol within the scope of the standard; Additives that are insoluble in 95% ethanol or have low solubility added to soaps are defined as substances present at low levels in the formulation, such as impurities, alkaline carbonates and chlorides.

Foreign substances may be carbonates, borates, perborates, chlorides, sulfates, silates, phosphates, iron oxides, or they may be organic substances such as starches, dextrins, caseins, sugars, cellulose derivatives.

ISO 673 Standard may be preferred for determining the amount of substances insoluble in ethanol, carried out within the scope of internationally valid soap analyses.

ISO 673: Soaps - Determination of content of ethanol-insoluble matter