Lactic acid (C3H6O3) and citric acid (C6H8O7) are organic acids widely used in food processing, agriculture and industrial applications. These acids are important compounds that need to be evaluated both in terms of their effectiveness and health safety.
Lactic acid is an organic acid formed during the fermentation of glucose. It is used in foods, food and beverages for regulating acidity, flavor enhancement and preservation.
Biological Effect: It is a product of bacterial fermentation, therefore it is an effective acid in controlling bacterial microflora.
Application Areas:
Citric acid is a natural organic acid found in citric fruits. It is widely used in foods to control pH and enhance flavor and aroma.
Biological Effect: It provides stabilization in foods due to its antioxidant and acidic properties.
Application Areas:
Mostly used for disinfection of carcasses, acid disinfectants break the bonds of nucleic acids, precipitate proteins and change the pH of the environment, making it unsuitable for microorganisms. Organic acids such as lactic acid and citric acid are used for carcass disinfection, especially in poultry farms. Acid applications are more effective without the formation of a strong bacterial binding on the carcass surface.
In the studies conducted, it has been observed that there are significant reductions in the level of S. Typhimurium, salmonella and total live bacteria that may be found on carcasses as a result of washing with lactic acid and citric acid spraying method. However, it has toxic effects at high concentrations. Therefore, its use should be kept under control.
The product types in which lactic acid and citric acid can be used are specified as follows in the List of Substances Defined in Annex-A Product Type within the scope ofthe“Biocidal Products Regulation”.
Citric acid Product Type 1: Human hygiene
Lactic acid
Nano-lab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Efficacy Tests in Biocidal Products. We also provide services in Antibacterial Evaluation.
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