Manual Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate Matter

Flue Gas Fixed Source Emissions - Manual Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate Matter (20-1000 mg/m3)

Manual Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate Matter

The ISO 9096 standard has been published by the International Standards Organization (ISO) regarding flue gas fixed source emissions.

This standard provides a test method for measuring particles (dust concentration) in waste gases under specified conditions and at concentrations from 20 mg/m3 to 1000 mg/m3. This standard applies to the calibration of automatic monitoring systems. If the emission gas contains unstable, reactive or semi-volatile substances, the measurement depends on the filtration temperature. For the calibration of automatic monitoring systems, in-stack methods are more applicable than out-stack methods.

The ISO 9096 standard includes a manual gravimetric determination method for the measurement of the concentration and mass flow rate of particles in flowing gases in closed spaces such as chimneys, ducts and ventilation pipes.

TS EN 13284-1 Fixed source emissions - Determination of mass concentration of dust in the low range - Part 1: Manual gravimetric method.

TS ISO 9096 Fixed source emissions - Manual determination of the mass concentration of particulate matter.