Determination of Poultry and Poultry Meat and Analysis of Counterfeit and Adulteration

Detection of Poultry and One-Hoofed Meat within the Scope of Imitation and Adulteration Analyzes

Determination of Poultry and Poultry Meat and Analysis of Counterfeit and Adulteration

Detection of Poultry and Ungulate Meat

Adulteration of foods may be questioned for various reasons such as economic, religious, regulatory and public health reasons. Within the scope of national or international regulations, legislation and legal requirements, it is necessary to determine the species in foods of animal origin. Poultry meat or one-hoofed meat such as horse and pig can be added for adulteration in various foods, especially animal products such as salami, sausage, sausage. Meat Type Determination is carried out to determine this. Foods must provide the information on the label. A different species should never be detected in a product claimed to be produced with red meat.

Meat species determination is carried out to determine which animals' meat is used in meat products. Identifying different species such aspoultry meat (chicken, turkey, duck) or single-hoofed meat (horse, donkey) is critical to prevent counterfeiting and adulteration and protect consumer health. The use of the wrong types of meat not only constitutes adulteration, but can also offend religious sensitivities.

Why is it important to look for poultry and one-hoofed meat?

The fraudulent use of poultry and one-hoofed meat is important for both food safety and ethical values. In particular, the hidden adulteration of horse or donkey meat with other products violates consumer rights. The substitution of poultry meat for red meat is also a common example of adulteration. Speciation tests make it easier to detect fraud in audits and ensure transparency in the sector.

What are Poultry and One-Hoofed Meat Analysis Methods in Meat and Meat Products?

Meat species determination is routinely performed by ELISA and PCR methods. For the protection of consumer rights, it is important to verify label information to eliminate consumer concerns.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Poultry and One-Hoofed Meat Detection. We also provide services on Imitation and Adulteration Studies.

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