Meat Species Testing

Meat Species Testing

Meat Species Testing

In the food sector, adulteration is done in many products, especially meat products. Adulteration, which can be defined as the production of foodstuffs in violation of the legislation or permitted specifications, is applied to foods in many different ways.

- The use of the additive allowed to be used more than the amount specified as the limit
- Reducing the cost by mixing quality products with less quality products
- Use of substances not specified on the label

In addition to the adulteration practices mentioned above, there are many different methods that can be counted.

One of the adulteration practiced especially in meat products is to reduce the quality and price by mixing different types of meat. The use of a type of meat that is not specified or allowed on the label, and excessive use of different organs in the product can be counted.

For these reasons, the demands for species determination analyzes in meat and meat products are increasing and they need to be tested in accredited laboratories. In this way, deception of the consumer and playing with his health can be prevented.