Moisture and Volatile Matter Analysis: Precision Laboratory Methods

Moisture and Volatile Matter Analysis in Foods

Moisture and Volatile Matter Analysis: Precision Laboratory Methods

Moisture and Volatile Matter Analysis

One of the most basic and important analyzes in food products is the determination of the amount of water. After removing water from the food product, “total dry matter” remains. The amount of dry matter in a food product is inversely proportional to the water content. As the water content increases, the moisture content in the food decreases.

  • Moisture (Moisture): It is the total amount of water contained in the content of a foodstuff.
  • Volatile Matter: Substances that evaporate when the product is heated. It usually contains components such as essential oils, organic compounds and alcohols along with water.

What is the Importance of Analysis?

  1. Shelf Life: High moisture content increases the risk of product spoilage and microbial growth.
  2. Texture and Structure: The amount of moisture directly affects the texture and consistency of the product.
  3. Storage and Transportation: Moisture content control ensures that food is stored in appropriate conditions.
  4. Legal Compliance: Food regulations set maximum moisture content limits for many products.
  5. Cost Analysis: Moisture content is taken into account in the cost calculation as it affects the weight of the product.

Moisture and volatile matter measurements are also particularly important for determining the shelf life of foodstuffs. As the moisture content in the food increases, microorganism activity also increases. At the same time, chemical events such as nonenzymatic (non-enzymatic) browning reactions take place.

In food products, the most commonly used methods are oven drying, infrared drying and distillation (for substances containing essential oils). Only substances such as spices lose some of their own weight as well as water in moisture determination by oven drying or infrared drying. Distillation is therefore used differently.

The determination of the amount of moisture and volatile matter is based on the principle of heating the foodstuffs at 105 oC and calculating the loss by ensuring that the moisture and volatile matter are completely removed from the product. Moisture in foods is found in 3 different ways.

  • Relative moisture: It is bound to protein and carbohydrate molecules or colloid surfaces in the food.
  • Free water: It is the water between the cells and can be removed by evaporation and drying.
  • Absorbed moisture: Water on the upper surfaces of foods.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Moisture and Volatile Matter Analysis. We also provide services in the determination of nutrients.

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