Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Determination

Flue Gas - Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Determination

Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Determination

The purpose of the flue gas analyzes is to determine the completeness of the combustion of carbon in the fuel and the amount and distribution of heat losses due to incomplete combustion. In these analyzes, carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon monoxide ratios are determined.

Monitoring flue gases in a boiler or burner is very important ecologically and economically. Performing flue gas analyzes means reduced fuel costs and higher efficiency. Equipment used to monitor flue gases ranges from simple handheld devices to installed oxygen sensors and elaborate equipment.

Combustion flue gas analysis has been used for years as a method of optimizing fuel and air ratios. By measuring the amount of excess oxygen and carbon monoxide in the flue gases caused by combustion, the best heat efficiency is achieved and the systems are ensured to operate with the lowest nitrogen oxide values ​​and produce the least amount of greenhouse gases. Theoretically, the ideal situation is when all the fuel reacts with the available oxygen in the combustion air and leaves no fuel or oxygen. Excess air is fed into the combustion chambers to ensure that the fuel used is completely burned. Excess air increases the amount of oxygen and the possibility of burning all the fuel.

Carbon dioxide is a product of combustion and its amount in the flue gas is an important indicator of combustion efficiency. The optimum carbon dioxide content after combustion is about 10 percent for natural gas and about 13 percent for lighter fuels.