QB/T 1336: Crayon Standards and Application Requirements

Crayon Requirements under the Chinese Standard

QB/T 1336: Crayon Standards and Application Requirements

Purpose and Scope of QB/T 1336 Standard

QB/T 1336 covers the processes from the production of crayons to quality control. The aim of this standard is to ensure that crayons meet the highest standards in terms of aesthetics and safety. It also specifies the testing and control criteria required to ensure that crayons do not cause environmental impacts and health problems.

Standard Scope:

  • Crayon Components: Sets the safety requirements for materials, pigments, binders and other components to be included in crayons.
  • Production Processes: Provides technical requirements, quality control steps and production safety that must be followed during the production of paints.
  • Packaging and Labeling: Specifies the packaging, labeling and transportation conditions for crayons. These processes are important to ensure that the product reaches the consumer safely.

The QB/T 1336 standard includes requirements for the classification and color, requirements, test methods, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of crayons used by children, students and art enthusiasts to be sold in the Chinese market.

Crayons are frequently used, especially in school, in art courses or professionally. Due to the uncontrolled use by children and the direct contact of crayons with human skin, crayons must be controlled by testing and analysis for human health.

Tests performed on crayons within the scope of the QB/T 1336 standard:

  • Softening Point: Refers to the temperature level at which the crayon begins to melt or become fluid. The softening point varies depending on the properties of the binding agents in the composition of the crayon and the type of pigments used.
  • Content of Toxic Elements: Crayons must be free of carcinogenic, teratogenic or other toxic components.

Advantages of QB/T 1336 Standard

  • High Quality: Compliance with this standard ensures that the crayons are of high quality and guarantees long-lasting color retention.
  • Consumer Confidence: Consumers have confidence that crayons produced in accordance with QB/T 1336 are safe. This enhances the brand's reputation.
  • Legal Compliance: By complying with legal regulations in China, manufacturers ensure compliance with legal requirements

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