Structure Determination (FTIR)

Structure Determination (FTIR)

Structure Determination (FTIR)

FTIR Spectroscopy is used in the rapid and precise determination of compounds of products such as composite plastics, fillers, paints, rubbers, coatings, resins and adhesives. FTIR usage method is; mathematical method of Fourier transform and measurement of wave number versus infrared intensity of light.

FTIR, in plastic packaging materials widely used in the packaging industry; It is used for the determination of material type and additives. In quality control studies in plastic packaging and materials, qualitative and quantitative measurements are made using FTIR.

FTIR device is used in plastic products for the following purposes:

  • Material identification
  • Material validation
  • Identification and amount of additives
  • Detection of contaminants
  • Ensuring quality and control of materials

You can contact Nanolab Packaging Analysis Laboratory for Structure Determination (FTIR) in packaging materials.