Testing Formaldehyde in Cosmetics

Testing Formaldehyde in Cosmetics

Testing Formaldehyde in Cosmetics

Formaldehyde, which is a gas at room temperature, is a chemical molecule. It is used in aqueous form in cosmetic products. Reasons for using formaldehyde in cosmetic products; antimicrobial, denaturing and protective properties.

It is used for antimicrobial and protective purposes, as it prevents the growth of microorganisms on the skin. However, formaldehyde is considered a strong allergen and carcinogen (DIMDI Class A). If a cosmetic product contains more than 500 ppm (0.05%) formaldehyde, this must be stated on the label and the amount of formaldehyde must not exceed the limit.

Formaldehyde is especially commonly used in nail care products such as nail polish. In Europe, formaldehyde is classified as a CMR category 1B substance, i.e. a prohibited substance, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/8311 published by the European Commission in May 2019 to amend Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 Annex II, III and V. .

Contact us to determine the formaldehyde content of cosmetics.