Total Base Number (TBN) Analysis in Mineral Oils

Total Base Number (TBN) Analysis in Mineral Oils

Total Base Number (TBN) Analysis in Mineral Oils

The base number, which is defined as the ability of oils to neutralize acids formed during use, is a feature associated with motor oils rather than industrial oils. The higher the number of bases in a motor oil, the higher the amount of acid neutralization during use.

The reason for the determination of the base number in engine oils is that the life of the engine oil can be determined. The base number of new engine oils is usually between 5 and 15. As it is used, the base number in engine oils decreases. When the base number drops below 3, we can say that it is time to change the engine oil.

The base number is usually; decreases due to poor quality fuel and oil oxidation. With the Base Number Analysis performed in engine oils, problems in oils can be detected. If the Base Number Analysis result is low, the time to change the engine oil can be determined. The quality of the oil can be determined.

You can contact Nanolab Environmental Analysis Laboratory for Total Base Number Analysis.