Use of Hydrogen Peroxide in Gelatin Production

Use of Hydrogen Peroxide in Gelatin Production

Use of Hydrogen Peroxide in Gelatin Production

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a common chemical used in the production of gelatin. It is used to lighten the color of gelatin and kill microorganisms.

Hydrogen peroxide is produced when gelatin undergoes a process called hydrolysis. In this process, a protein called collagen is broken down into smaller molecules to form gelatin. Hydrogen peroxide helps speed up this process and make the gelatin lighter in color.

Hydrogen peroxide is also used to sterilize gelatin. It is a strong oxidant that can kill microorganisms. Therefore, if gelatin is to be used in food or drug production, it is important to sterilize it with hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide may also have some negative effects on gelatin. . It can weaken gelatin's ability to form gel and change the taste and odor of gelatin. Therefore, the amount of hydrogen peroxide used in gelatin production should be carefully controlled.

Some important points about the use of hydrogen peroxide in gelatin:
• Hydrogen peroxide is used to lighten the color of gelatin and kill microorganisms.
• Hydrogen peroxide accelerates the hydrolysis of collagen used in gelatin production.
• Hydrogen peroxide can be used to sterilize gelatin.
• Hydrogen peroxide may have some negative effects on gelatin (a bitter taste and a metallic odor).
• The limit of hydrogen peroxide used in gelatin production is ≤ 10 mg/kg according to the "Regulation on Special Hygiene Rules for Foods of Animal Origin".