Vibration Exposure

Vibration Exposure in the Working Environment

Vibration Exposure

Vibration; It can be defined as the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy and kinetic energy into potential energy. Vibration, which can be defined as the oscillation of an object around a test, is one of the negative factors in terms of health, quality of life and work performance of employees in the work environment.

Vibrating machines are used in almost every area of ​​the industry. Generally, two types of vibration can be mentioned:

- Hand - Arm Vibration: Daily exposure limit value for eight hours of working time: 5 m / s2
- Whole Body Vibration: Daily exposure limit value for eight hours of working time: 1.15 m / s2

Examples are foundries, forestry activities, motor vehicle and shipbuilding / repair, mines and quarries, where hand - arm vibration exposure is observed. Blood vessels, nerves and finger joints may be damaged by hand and arm exposure. White finger disease, Raynaudfenomeni, or hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) may occur.

Whole body vibration mostly affects agricultural and construction workers. The vibration of the work machines used affects the whole body. The effects of whole body exposures on employees generally have effects on the intestine and circulation, musculoskeletal system and neurological system.