Determination of CO, CO2 and O2 Mass Concentration in Flue Gas

ISO 12039: Automatic Measurement Methods for Mass Concentrations of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen (O2) in Stationary Source Emissions

Determination of CO, CO2 and O2 Mass Concentration in Flue Gas

ISO 12039

It is an international standard for the automatic measurement of mass concentrations of gases (Carbon Monoxide - CO, Carbon Dioxide -CO2 and Oxygen -O2) emitted from stationary sources. This standard defines automated analysis methods used for the monitoring and control of gas emissions. Emission monitoring systems play a critical role for environmental management and management of gas emissions in industrial processes.

Purpose and Scope of the Standard

ISO 12039 describes methods for the accurate and automated measurement of the mass concentration of gases released from stationary sources. The standard specifies the technical specifications and requirements necessary to ensure that the gas is accurately detected and its concentration measured. These measurements are used to assess the environmental impact of gas emissions, meet regulatory requirements and improve energy efficiency in industrial processes.

Methods of Measurement of Mass Concentrations of Gases

ISO 12039 includes several automated analysis methods for the measurement of mass concentrations of CO,CO2 andO2 gases. Here are the main features of these methods:

  • Infrared (IR) Absorption Method: It is based on the principle that CO and CO2 molecules absorb infrared light at a specific wavelength. The amount of this absorption is proportional to the mass concentration of the gas. Infrared spectrometers are used for measurement. Since CO and CO2 have a specific light absorbance at a specific wavelength, the concentration of the gas can be measured directly.
  • Chemiluminescence Method: It is based on the principle that CO reacts with ozone to produce a light signal. This light signal is directly proportional to the mass concentration of the gas. Chemiluminescence detectors are used for measurement.
  • Thermal Refraction (Resonance Absorption) Method: It is based on the principle of measuring the concentration of the gas using the emission properties of CO2 and O2 molecules at a given temperature. Thermal break spectrometers are used for measurement.
  • Diffusion Method: It is based on the principle that the gas is absorbed by a filter or a permeable material and then this absorption is converted into mass concentration. Measurement processes are used in gas diffusion cells.

Application Areas of the Standard

ISO 12039 has a wide range of applications for the monitoring of gas emissions:

  • Power Generation Plants: Monitoring CO, CO2 and O2 emissions from gas turbines and steam generators.
  • Petrochemical and Chemical Industry: Monitoring of gas emissions from chemical processes and reactors.
  • Waste Incineration Plants: Monitoring of gases generated during waste incineration.
  • Metal Industry: Control of gas emissions from metal processing.
  • Environmental Monitoring Systems: In systems used for gas pollution control and regulatory requirements.

Nanolab Laboratories Group continues to provide services within the scope of Flue Gas Measurements. We also provide services in Emission - Imission Measurements.

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